We are experienced Breastfeeding Counsellors trained by the NCT with a Diploma of Higher Education in Breastfeeding Counselling from the University of Bedfordshire. This comprehensive course took 3 years to complete and covered counselling skills, how breastfeeding works, breastfeeding problems and management and group work skills.

We have worked for many years supporting thousands of women firstly as breastfeeding peer supporters and then as breastfeeding counsellors.

Fully insured


Here are some typical problems encountered that we have experience with:

Baby refusing to feed

Sleepy baby

Baby fighting at the breast

Baby going to the breast but not sucking

Painful feeding

Baby not gaining weight

Topping up with formula

Mother feeling overwhelmed and lacking in confidence

Partner unsure how to help

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What is normal?


Tongue tie

Low milk supply or oversupply

Blocked ducts, mastitis, thrush, Reynauds

Stopping/reducing feeds

Introducing complementary foods

Returning to work

Twins/multiple births